Saturday, January 17, 2009

nein bed bugs in '09

The bug bites are aplenty. I am so glad to finally be out of the house I was in for the last 3 months. I loved the people I was living with, but the house was really bad news. Mice and bed bugs. Miserable. After losing my job at the Cocoa Tree, my friend Melanie said I could move in with her and her parents in Franklin. I jumped at the chance. It's so nice of them to let me stay in their house and eat their food. I hope I can do something really nice for them. In the meantime, I am having a hell of a time finding a job. I even went to the mall. The MALL. So please be praying that God provides a job for me. It just has to happen. It has to. I have bills that are due.

My good friend Victor Huckabee came over tonight and brought Seabass. I made a little video of him just before he fell asleep on my giant butt. Oh, that's another thing. There's an eliptical at Melanie's house! I was on it for 40 minutes today. If you know me at all, you know that is pretty spectacular.

Hooray for a clean, warm house. Please don't take those things for granted. I know I have a whole new appreciation for the little things now.


Stacey said...

oh my word you have no idea how JEALOUS i am that you got to cuddle with that cute lil' weiner!!!! They are my absolute favorite dogs.
Ps, Daniel and I are praying you find a job soon. You'll find something.

katie henbest said...

Derek thinks your videos are genius.

Kev&Rob said...

wow...bed bugs. I thought those were fairy tale type thingies. Guess that's like the firefly - didn't believe in them until I saw them with my own eyes in D.C. Ellen you're blogs are fun/funny to read - you are an entertainer like Sarah