Friday, October 17, 2008


I worked a really long day at the flower shop today, but it was fun. I really enjoy it, and I'm sad that it is only a temporary position. Boo. I notice flowers now, which is something I definitely didn't do before. I think I like them. I know, right? What girl doesn't like flowers? I just always thought they were a waste. I got to thinking about how I don't remember a time when I got flowers. I sold a lot to old business men on their way home from work. They wanted to bring something home to their wives "just because". Last night I listened to part 2 of Mark's series on Song of Solomon. He mentioned something about how it takes around 9 or 10 years in a marriage to stop being selfish, and to start putting your spouse first without thinking. Most people get divorced before that, so they never get to experience the really good steady, selfless part. Anyway, it was refreshing to see what Mark was talking about in action today. These sweet devoted men who couldn't wait to get home to their wives...just because. You really should listen to the series that Mark is doing right now. It's called Peasant Princess, and I believe he's on his 4th week. It's not for the kids :) Listen here.

Tomorrow is another day at the flower shop, and I've got to get to bed. But before I do, I'll show you a couple things I embroidered today. I don't know what I'm using them for, whether they will be brooches or maybe christmas ornaments, but I really like the twigs & cranberry theme. Colleen and I are going to participate in a craft fair in two weeks, and I need to get my craft ass in gear.

Oh, also... when I was looking through my mom's craft stuff one last time, I found this! So cute.


Sarah Taylor said...

you make me want to be a better crafter.

stephanie said...

my mom crossstiched a picture of pluto the dog for me when i was a child. i still have it. it's so special.
your's are so cute, and you are so talented.